Visioneers 2008 DVDRip XviD-VH-PROD [www FilmsBT com]

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Torrent Hash : 3BC829CA1008AA12A08711DAF67735E6EBFBD976
Torrent Added : 1 Year+ in Movies
Torrent Size : 707.81 MB

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Torrent File Content (4 files)

     Torrent downloaded from -
46 bytes

     Visioneers.2008.DVDRip.SAMPLE.avi -
7.31 MB

     Visioneers.2008.DVDRip.XviD-VH-PROD.avi -
700.48 MB

     Visioneers.2008.DVDRip.XviD-VH-PROD.nfo -
14.89 KB


Size: 700MB
Video: XVID, 576×304, 897kbps
Audio: MP3, 129kbps
Runtime: 94 mins
Genre: Comedy

George Washington Winsterhammerman lives an ordinary life. He has a wife, a kid, a house and a boat. Every day George gets in his minivan and goes to work as a Level Three Tunt at the Jeffers Corporation, the largest and most profitable corporation in the history of humankind. Though he lives an utterly comfortable life, George is growing nervous. People around him have begun explodingliterally. Fearing he might be next, George visits his doctor and learns that his recurring dreams are a symptom of impending explosion. Unfortunately, George cant stop dreaming, and as the explosion epidemic worsens, he is forced to question the life hes been living. This quirky and distinctive story, utterly original in every way, features inspired casting, particularly with acclaimed actor and comedian Zach Galifianakis as George. He is joined by the delightful Judy Greer and terrific indie mainstay James LeGros. VISIONEERS, the debut film from the sibling filmmaking team of Brandon and Jared Drake, offers a darkly comic view of a world so skewed it can't help but remind us of our own.

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